Monday, 28 September 2015

LO3 Assets list.

Page 1:

  • 3 puffs
  • Headline
  • Main image
  • Quote from a source

Page 2:

  • Content page

Page 3:

  • Editorial
  • Picture of author 
  • Signature of author

Page 4:

  • Images for article 1 
  • Article title 
  • Quotes from peers 
  • Body text
Page 5:

  • More images for article 1
  • personal opinion of author
  • Body text

Page 6:

  • Article title 2
  • Images for article 2
  • Body text

Page 7:

  • Article title 3
  • Images for articles 3
  • Body text

 Page 8:

  • Picture of a campaign. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Urgent jobs

In the next week I will be able to do the interview notes, production schedule and the image and shot plans within the next week. The fonts/graphics/colour samples can added to the annotations to the layouts.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

LO2: Interview questions and answers.

How is the social life in high school different from the social life in college?  
In terms of meeting new people, it’s easier in college than, say, after switching to a new school in Year 7. A lot of people at sixth form  or college are new to the,  so it’s a lot less awkward to introduce yourself.
—Miles cooper, Sixth form student
What do you and your friends do in your free time? 
Usually on the weekends, we get together at someone’s house and just relax. We like to watch films and just enjoy each other’s company. Other regular activities we do together include going to the cinema, gigs and meeting up for football on the weekend.
—Louis Devoti, Sixth form student
My college has a lot of things to go to, which makes my life at college so much better. They have a lot of sports clubs that I can join, laser tag, meals out and even trips to Alton towers.
—Corey Travis, college student
We like to go for walks around Sheffield, play on the PS4 and participate in a lot of random sports that Ponds forge has to offer.
—Esther Dina, Sixth form student
We watch TV. We play a bit of tennis at western, keeping track of our scores with targets in mind. We go to parties every couple of weeks.
—Lewis reed, Sixth form student
Looking back at your first year, what do you wish you’d done differently in terms of your social life?
What I wish I'd done differently more than anything is hang out with my friends more often. ... Last year, I hung out more with my girlfriend and a few of her friends ... than with all the guys in my year.—Miles cooper, Sixth form student
I wish that I would have stepped outside of my comfort zone and actively sought out students from other backgrounds. I did what felt natural and joined students that shared a similar socioeconomic and cultural background, but I think I could have interacted with students from different backgrounds beyond the classroom.
Esther Dina, Sixth form student.

Friday, 18 September 2015

LO2: Editorial Planning

1. What do you want to tell your readers.
I want to tell my readers about my experiences in creating the magazine like what it was like organising the Photo shoot. I also want to tell the readers about everything that happened when I was collecting all of my information for the magazine by having interviews with them.
2. What is the strongest article in your magazine.
The strongest article in my magazine will be the weekend and half term break section, this section will include what teens like to do during their free time and how different groups of people spent their half terms breaks. 
3. What experiences brought you to develop this magazine. 
I wanted to develop this magazine because it is something that I can relate to and input my personal opinions into the magazine. Also there are a range of things that I could include in the magazine to further develop the magazine.

Monday, 14 September 2015

LO2 Legal and Ethical Issues.

3 ways that my magazine could break the law:
- Copyright material
- Direct verbal abuse

Obscene Publications Act 1959 and 1964:
To avoid breaking the obscene publications act within my magazine I will not publish any images that would harm the reputation of teens by portraying them in a negative way.

Defamation Act:
To avoid breaking the defamation act I would need to be truth throughout my magazines and I would have to balance out my points to avoid being overly negative.

Copyright law 1995:
To avoid breaking the copyright law all of the contents in my magazine will produced by me, however if i do need a piece off the internet then I will need to ask for permission from the original producer.

Negligent Publication:
To avoid breaking this I will state that everything should be done in moderation and you should not over do it.  

Ethical views:
One of the ethical issues of my magazine is some of the activities are seen as inappropriate however, it is what some teens do so I would have to be careful on how I show off a certain time of behaviour.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

LO2 My desired options (Pure Gym sheffield)

9-15 Manton St,
Sheaf Gardens,
Sheffield S2 4BA,
South Yorkshire
Time of day:
Late morning/Afternoon
Transport Links:
Tram - Blue and Purple.
Bus - 53, 120

LO2 My desired options. (Endclife Park)

Endcliffe Park.
Rustlings Road
South Yorkshire
S11 7AA
Time of day:
Late morning/Afternoon
Transport links:
82, 81, 85, 84

* All the buses are from the city centre.

Friday, 11 September 2015

LO2 My desired options. (Devonshire Green)

Devonshire Green. 
Division Street
South Yorkshire
S3 7SW
Time of day:
Late morning/Afternoon
Transport links:
120, 51, 52, 95, 70.

LO2 My considered locations.

  1. Botanical Gardens.
  2. Peace Gardens.
  3. Devonshire Green.
  4. Meadowhall. 
  5. Ecclesall Road.
  6. Endclife Park.